Posts tagged Business
Why I'm introducing online learning in my burlesque business!

I’ve just dropped an announcement on my Facebook page sharing my newest venture - online learning!It was something that has been on my mind for awhile. I have definitely noticed an uptake in enquiries from casual workers and shift workers, that often find it hard to commit to a weekly class. So I’m making a commitment to get with the times and offer some flexible learning options!

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Booking a burlesque performer for the festive season? Read this first!

At different points during the year there is an increase in bookings for private gigs: either corporate events for organisations or private parties in the home.

As performers we often have our own guide on how to behave for these events, how to charge and how to be safe.

But clients - or potential clients- can struggle on how to find and book a reputable performer. Check out Grace Cherry’s tips before making that first booking. Or if you just want some advice on keeping your performers safe and happy.

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When do I stop being a 'newbie'

How do you go from being a "newbie" to a more established performer. At what point do you stop being new?

Performers can find it hard to know when they aren't a 'newbie' anymore. Or how they can jump out of the 'newbie' category into a bigger pond.

There's no one right or clear pathway. It's not like you can get a promotion instantly in the burlesque industry. Or that you graduate from 'newbie' after meeting a sales target or gaining a qualification. There's a blurry line as you move throughout your career.

Take some tips from Grace Cherry about the transition from ‘newbie’ to a more established artist.

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How do I network in burlesque if I'm a socially awkward introvert?

Whether you are starting out, or are a seasoned performer, good networking is something that is worth practising.

Why is this important? It’s all well and good to be talented. But getting opportunities to perform without connecting with other people.

Not a natural extrovert? That’s okay. But it’s a necessity really. So take some tips from Grace Cherry on how to practice and improve.

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How to burlesque on a budget

Burlesque is an industry obsessed with sparkly and glittery. And it comes with a hefty price tag for that moment of absolute dazzle worthiness onstage.

I'm all for a big costume, prop and a lot of rhinestones. But this can definitely become a drain on the hip pocket. Which is fine if you're getting the big gigs to go with it. But that's not always possible.

This isn't a blog post on stopping buying swarovski's, rhinestones and appliques. I can't say that because I'm an example of really bad addiction. My advice centres on how you can be a bit more mindful in where you spend your money - and how to get some more bang for buck!

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