Why I'm introducing online learning in my burlesque business!

I’ve just dropped an announcement on my Facebook page sharing my newest venture - online learning!

It was something that has been on my mind for awhile. As someone who’s been around for a few years now, I have definitely noticed an uptake in enquiries from casual workers and shift workers, that often find it hard to commit to a weekly class.

I try to teach across regional and rural areas of Tasmania as much as possible, and I absolutely LOVE this experience. But I know that I just can’t meet the demand to travel as frequently. It’s a bit of a one woman operation (at the moment!).

The coronavirus and mental health

As artists and performers I know that we are also kidding ourselves if we think that the coronavirus won’t have an impact on our work.

And I’ll be completely honest, some of the move to an online platform is to give myself a backup plan and diversify my income stream when we have some hard months ahead.

But. I’m almost as - if not more - concerned about the impact on the mental health of my students, fans and loved ones if we do start to move into more social distancing and isolation.

For all the shit stuff about social media, one of it’s saving graces is bringing communities together around shared interests and passions. Letting you find 'your ‘tribe’ online - when you might not have one physically in your backyard.

Even if everything goes well for me personally and professionally and there is no disruption to my face to face classes and workshops, I know this isn’t going to be the case for all my current students and my wider community. Some of you may need to distance yourself, or care for loved ones, or just have a different flow of income.

And again, I’m not saying that I don’t care about the money honey. I do. But I’m also worried that in this event, some of us will become socially isolated and more disconnected. I know for so many of my students, many of you come to class to learn to move your body mindfully and with greater love and acceptance. I don’t want that absence to mean that you stop appreciating yourself and taking that time for yourself each week. It is so hard to practice kindness and compassion to others if you can’t offer yourself love and acceptance first.

I want to be able to offer that safe space in a virtual community so that my current students and anyone vaguely interested can be able to practice that self compassion and to stay in touch with people that share their interests and values. Plus of course learning some amazing skills!

Will online learning replace face to face classes? Will it be the same?

100% no. There is something about face to face learning that online workshops cannot replace. In real time I can adjust students, coach more dynamically and adjust my classes as I go to work with different skill levels.

And for students wanting to explore the performative side of burlesque, there isn’t anything better than working on those group routines.

Okay enough self help bullshit - what does online learning involve?

I’m not running before I can walk. I’m not moving everything online. I’m starting in April with an Introduction to Chair Dance (Beginner - Intermediate). This will cover a 5 week course, with classes taking 50 minutes - 60 minutes depending a bit on your pace.

Each class has a playlist broken into:

  • Introduction

  • Warm up techniques

  • Technical examples and break downs

  • Mini combinations to practice

  • Progressive routine to work towards

Each of these sections is broken into 5 minute segments. So you can repeat as much or as little as you need. If you are chilly for example, you might want to do the warm up twice.

I’m also committed to showing you variations and options - so if you need a challenge there will be an opportunity for you. Or if you need to modify a move, I’ll have variations.

Plus you’ll join an exclusive Online Community where I’ll do a live video chat and check in each week. And you can use this to give me real time feedback as you go , or share your challenges and successes with each other.

As always, you need to check your injuries and be a bit honest with yourself and make sure you aren’t pushing beyond your limits.

But I hope this new offering gives my current and future students a chance to:

  • Learn new skills that I don’t currently offer face to face

  • Complement their current face to face learning

  • Stay connected with a wider community (or join one!) and avoid feeling alone and isolated!

The price? Because I”m going to need guinea pigs and constant feedbakc, I’m doing an intro offer of AU $20 ( and just $5 for current students!). I have no idea if it will work, and how we will all go. But I want to give it a try. So the first course will have a rock bottom intro offer so I can take on board your feedback and any tech issues we have.

Keen? Pre register your interest here and I’ll notify you when bookings open.

What are your thoughts? Have you tried an online dance course? What was your experience? What would make this work for you?