Posts tagged Self esteem
Building up confidence and resilience - Practical tips

One of the biggest requests for advice that I get is around building up confidence (for new performers) or getting the 'mojo' back (for more established performers that had a few knocks to their self-esteem).

I often think about cultivating 'resilience'. A super wanky phrase, perhaps. But it’s not always about building up bullet proof confidence. But about how you set yourself back up when you have a knock back or feel rejected.

Here are my take home tips for helping you get a bit more resilient to the knocks of life. Some tough love, but also some practical advice

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Feeling down? Feel yourself!

Last night I had the pleasure of hosting Alyssa Kitt on my Facebook page to lead our community through a fabulous online workshop - Feeling Down? Feel Yourself!

Alyssa took us all through a guided discussion and flow class, so that we can reconnect with our bodies and think about strategies to help us get a quick mood booster.

She’s also kindly shared a quick recap of her top tips for quickly feeling yourself and picking yourself up:

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