Posts tagged hobart
Reviewing and refining your burlesque act

Often when you are starting out in burlesque, it’s really common to want to rush to create a new act. It can be really helpful to focus on having one or two really polished acts - rather than a heap of undercooked performances. To do that you need to be able to give yourself the ‘feedback’ sandwich - building up your ability to give yourself helpful feedback!

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No, burlesque performers aren't innately "body confident"

As a burlesque performer I constantly get told, "wow you must be so confident". The unsaid part of that statement being - you must be so confident to take your clothes off in front of people when you don't look like a super model.

But I have built a few ideas into this downloadable eBook so that you can have something to use to check in with yourself. Get your copy (for free!) today!

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The things I wish I knew when I started performing

The things I wish I knew when I started performing. I wish I knew a lot of what I know now.

The $5 shows. The shows that 3 people turned up to. The outdoor performances where the wind below me away. They did all teach me some invaluable lessons. I wish I had some of this expertise – but I wouldn’t take back some of those opportunities.

If you don’t want to experience the outback burlesque experiences, please benefit from some of my learnings:

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