How do you self care? Positive steps to keep you (relatively) sane

In the ‘new normal’ of sharing online, lockdowns, cancellations, absent travel, self care is more important than ever.

What can this look like?

It can be the beauty magazine image of doing your nails, a face mask, a long bath. That’s all a totally legitimate way to recharge your batteries.

But when I talk self care, I also man sometimes the deep stuff that helps you rebuild and repair yourself -physically, mentally and emotionally. Both in the short and the long term.

My favorite stuff to focus on can be:

  • Getting an early night. Physically this makes the biggest difference. If I have capacity I will try and just get to bed earlier or lay in bed for longer. Your body needs adequate rest. And if your mind is racing around and feeling unsettled, your sleep can be disrupted. Also I’m a firm believer in your mindset being different after a good break and rest.

  • Daily yoga practice: I just move everyday. It’s not for everyone but it works for me. Even when locked down, a daily exercise ritual is essential for me to be appreciative and be in the moment. I have a rule that if I’m 10 minutes into a physical activity, I can leave (or lie down). I think I might have done that once. I find once I’m going I will get more motivated or just finish what I need to do. It gets me in the door (or online) every time.

  • A coffee ritual: Not chugging down a cup of caffeine. But to spend time either making my Aeropress, smelling the aroma of the beans, using a favourite mug and enjoying in either solitude or listening to the radio. I also love just sitting with my boyfriend and enjoying that morning coffee. But I hate rushing, and for me resetting and self caring is the ritual of the coffee - not just inhaling some caffeine (that’s just being an adult and surviving the day!)

  • Professional support: I consistently access mental health support from a professional. I realise I’m fortunate to be able to afford this, but this regular standing appointment is critical to me just maintaining good mental wellbeing.

My real treat if I’m feeling really rubbish is to go and get my nails done or feel a bit fussed over. It’s not something I bother with 90% of the time, but sometimes just taking myself out and making an appointment to do something just for me is the best. A bonus if I can take my Mum or a friend with me.

I also really try and frame myself around what can I add into my life to help me be physically, mentally and emotionally well. rather than thinking I better give something up.

I try and value add to my life. This could be adding in a coffee, a walk, an extra yoga class or reading a book. But it’s a more helpful mindset for me to think about adding rather than in a punishment mindset (e.g. I will stop drinking/ eating sugar /smoking etc)

If you are able to I also highly recommend doing your Mental Health First Aid Training. There are a lot of subsidized training opportunities at the moment (including Support Act that are offering it free for music industry peeps!). But it can help you reflect on your own wellbeing as well as giving that support to others that you care about - and sometimes having really difficult conversations.

Resources and support

If you need a bit of help there are definitely some good resources available (no cost!) - especially if you are struggling with your mental wellbeing.

Remember there isn’t any shame in reaching out to professionals. If you broke your leg, I’m pretty sure you’d go to hospital and see a doctor. Your brain is no different, hey?!


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